Whitehall Foundation

Grant Programs

Application Procedure

Budget Guidelines

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Research Grants

Research grants are available to established scientists of all ages working at accredited institutions in the United States. Applications will be judged on the scientific merit and the innovative aspects of the proposal as well as on the competence of the applicant. Research grants of up to three years will be provided. A renewal grant with a maximum of two years is possible, but it will be awarded on a competitive basis. Research grants will not be awarded to investigators who have already received, or expect to receive, substantial support from other sources, even if it is for an unrelated purpose. The maximum budget is $100,000 per year for the two- and three-year research grants.


The Grants-in-Aid program is designed for researchers at the assistant professor level who experience difficulty in competing for research funds because they have not yet become firmly established. Grants-in-Aid can also be made to senior scientists. All applications will be judged on the scientific merit and innovative aspects of the proposal, as well as on past performance and evidence of the applicant’s continued productivity. Grants-in-Aid are awarded for a one-year period and do not exceed $30,000.

Applicants for the Grants-in-Aid program are reviewed and ranked together with the traditional research grant program. This program is not a pre-requisite to a two- or three-year research grant. The majority of the applications received are for a three-year research grant.

Eligibility Requirements (Updated December 2024)

The applicant must meet all of the following eligibility requirements in order to participate in the application process:

  • Appropriate title - must be an Assistant Professor (or higher). If the institution does not use this title, a letter from the department chair confirming the applicant's eligibility is required.
  • Status - must hold Principal Investigator status.
  • Independence - must be considered an 'independent investigator' with their own dedicated lab space or with lab space independent of another investigator.
  • The Foundation does not fund investigators who have substantial (more than $200,000 per year) extramural funding calculated as total direct funds per year less any PI salary/fringe taken from these grants. If this amount is greater than $200,000 the PI would not be eligible for Whitehall Foundation funding. As of December 1st, 2024, the Foundation no longer includes indirect funding in the extramural funding calculation.
  • Startup funds and internal funding should be disclosed but are not included in the extramural funding calculation.

© 2025
Whitehall Foundation, Inc.