The Letter of Intent
The first step in the proposal process is the submission of a letter as outlined below. The Foundation will accept only one letter of intent per twelve-month period per investigator. On the basis of this letter, the Whitehall Foundation's scientific advisors will determine whether or not the proposed research project will continue to the application process. Grants will not be awarded to individuals who receive or expect to receive substantial extramural support.
Letters of intent should be sent as an
attachment to The subject line should read
Letter of Intent and the email message should contain only the PI contact information.
Do not include cover letters or descriptive emails. Letters of Intent must be received by the close of business on the deadline date (or the following business day if the deadline date falls on a weekend or holiday).
The following information must be included as listed below:
Part 1 Cover Page (use institutional letterhead):
- PI's full name AND title
- Email address
- Any previous letters of intent or applications to Whitehall? (yes/no)
- Institutional affiliation
- Department name and complete mailing address
- Telephone number
- Project title (not to exceed 60 characters)
- The type of grant requested: a one-year grant-in-aid, or a two- or three-year research grant
- Abstract word count
- List of all current and pending funding as detailed here. If none, please indicate, do not leave blank. If needed, the PI may put the information in a grid format on a separate page.
- Indicate current or pending
- Source
- Expiration date for active grants or notification date for pending grants
- Role (PI, co-PI, co-I)
- Direct funds per year (do not include indirect funds - as of December 1st, 2024 the Foundation no longer includes indirect funding in the extramural funding calculation)
- Dollar amount of applicant's salary/fringe taken per year from the award
- Include a link to the PI's own faculty position page if available
- Optional - Include up to two links to the PI's own publications that are relevant to the proposed project (do not attach copies)
Part 2 Research Abstract (plain paper):
The abstract is a technical description, not exceeding two pages in length, of the proposed research project. The abstract may not exceed 600 words in length and the font must be in no less than 11 point type. Figures are acceptable in the letter of intent. Figure legends should be included in the word count total. The word count should be displayed at the end of the abstract; abstracts longer than 600 words will not be accepted.
Please type the investigator's last name on the top right corner of each page and do not include any reprints, CVs, or letters of reference. Reference citations/bibliography may be listed and are not included in the word count.
The Grant Application
Grant application materials will be sent to those applicants whose proposed projects are considered to be the most meritorious and consistent with the Foundation's current funding interests.
The grant application should be carefully prepared as outlined in the instructions and on the form itself. Budget items must be justified. Current and pending support must be outlined as in the Letter of Intent: grant title, source, total amount of direct per year, length in years, percent effort expended and notification date if still pending.
We expect that the deadlines will be honored and that all information requested will be supplied.
Letters of recommendation should be sent by the writer directly to the Foundation in accordance with the instructions in the application packet.